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Duty of Care in Business Travel

In the realm of business travel, Duty of Care refers to a company’s legal and ethical obligation to ensure the safety and well-being of its employees while they are traveling for work. This involves having robust systems and protocols in place to monitor employees’ locations, assess risks, and provide timely assistance in case of emergencies. A comprehensive Duty of Care program not only safeguards employees but also reinforces a company’s commitment to responsible and ethical business practices.

Signal Tours’ Duty of Care Solutions

Signal Tours partners with leading third-party providers to offer advanced Duty of Care solutions. These solutions are designed to provide businesses with real-time visibility and control over their employees’ travel safety, ensuring that they are always protected and supported.

Our Solutions:

  • Real-Time Employee Tracking: Signal Tours connects clients with sophisticated tracking applications and systems provided by trusted third-party vendors. These tools enable companies to know the exact location of their employees at any given moment, facilitating prompt intervention and assistance if necessary.
  • Risk Alerts and Updates: Our partner systems continuously monitor global events and potential threats, sending relevant alerts to employees traveling abroad. This ensures that travelers are always aware of any dangers or important updates related to their locations, allowing for informed decision-making and enhanced safety.
  • Informed Travel Decisions: By providing access to detailed risk assessments at the point of sale, Signal Tours empowers travel bookers and business travelers to make well-informed decisions about their travel plans. This includes understanding the risks associated with specific cities or countries and adjusting travel arrangements accordingly.
  • Emergency Notifications: Duty of Care administrators can use our partner systems to send alert requests to any traveler or group of travelers in a specific area, prompting them to ‘check in’ and verify their safety. This immediate communication ensures that companies can quickly ascertain the status of their employees and take necessary actions in response to any emergencies.

With Signal Tours’ comprehensive Duty of Care solutions, facilitated through our trusted third-party partners, businesses can manage their travel programs with confidence, knowing that their employees are well-protected and their travel operations are secure and organized.


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